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Using Alpha as Frontier's external editor
Frontier menu 2.1.4
April 1998
This document explains how to use Alpha as Frontier's external editor.
For help how to use Alpha as an HTML editor see the manual for HTML mode,
located in the folder HTML mode manual.
Please see the HTML mode home page, http://www.theophys.kth.se/~jl/Alpha.html
for the latest version of HTML mode and Frontier menu. There you can also
download the HTML mode manual if you haven't got it already.
The code has been tested with Frontier 4.2.3 and Frontier 5.0.
I have two mailing list for information about updates, one for HTML mode
and one for Frontier menu. If you want me to put you on my lists, send me a
mail and tell me which lists you want to be on.
Johan Linde, <jl@theophys.kth.se>
Almost immediately after I had released Frontier menu 1.0 I got to know that
Danis Georgiadis <dmg@hyper.gr> also had written some code to integrate
Alpha and Frontier. He generously gave me his code to freely use together
with mine. In this version I have taken the parts from his code which
could easily be integrated with mine and which worked without problems. The
Frontier database browser and the Scripts menu are both made by him.
When I made the Frontier shell I used some of Danis' code and some from
Matlab mode by Stephen Merkowitz <merk@lnf.infn.it>.
What's new in version 2.1.4
• Fixed a startup problem. Alpha wouldn't launch completely when being
launched by dropping a file on it while Frontier was running, or by using
Edit with App in Frontier.
• See also the version history.
Installation and configuring
Installing verbs into Frontier
The five files
must be imported into Frontier. You find these in the folder
Frontier verbs. Just double-click the files to import them. Frontier
will ask for a name of the imported objects. Use the ones suggested.
Upgrading from version 2.1.2 or 2.1.3
None of the above files have been changed since version 2.1.2 and 2.1.3.
Upgrading from version 2.1.1
Only the file system.verbs.apps.Alpha has to be imported into Frontier.
The other files have not changed since version 2.1.1.
Upgrading from version 2.0.x
Only the three files
have to be imported into Frontier. The other two files have not changed
since version 2.0.x.
Upgrading from version 1.0
All five files have to be imported into Frontier. The ones distributed with
Frontier menu 1.0 are not compatible with Frontier menu 2.1.4.
Other necessary changes to the Frontier database
There are also a few more changes you must do in Frontier:
• Change the path in user.odbEditors.TextEditor to the path to Alpha,
otherwise Frontier will use the default editor BBEdit.
• Similarly change the path in system.verbs.apps.Alpha.appinfo.path
• A small change must be made to the verb suites.odbEditor.editors.Text.edit
The last lines reads
bundle «send an Apple Event to the editor to open the temp file
«use an open protocol that's implemented by BBEdit 4.0 and greater
«the extra parameter to the odoc event is Frontier's app id
appleEvent (ideditorapp, 'aevt', 'odoc', '----', alias (tempfile), 'FSnd', Frontier.id)
Change them to
bundle «send an Apple Event to the editor to open the temp file
if defined(Alpha.id) && ideditorapp == Alpha.id
«use an open protocol that's implemented by BBEdit 4.0 and greater
«the extra parameter to the odoc event is Frontier's app id
appleEvent (ideditorapp, 'aevt', 'odoc', '----', alias (tempfile), 'FSnd', Frontier.id)
This change is needed because Alpha doesn't understand the Apple event used
in the last line. Hopefully Alpha will understand it in the future so that
you don't have to make this change in the future. If you decide to switch
back to your previous editor you don't have to undo the above change. It
will work as before with any other editor.
Inserting the Frontier menu in the menu bar
The Frontier menu doesn't automatically appear in the menu bar.
In Alpha 7.0 insert it in the menu bar by selecting Frontier menu in the submenu
Config -> Global -> Package Menus.
In Alpha 7.1 open the dialog Config -> Global -> Menus and Features… and
check the Frontier menu checkbox.
Opening a Frontier text window in Alpha
Text windows in Frontier can be opened in Alpha using Edit with App in
Frontier's Main menu. Whenever you save changes the Frontier database is
automatically updated. If you use 'Save as...' in Alpha the new file is
disconnected from the Frontier database.
You can also use the Frontier database browser, see below.
Frontier menu
Switch to Frontier - Launches Frontier or brings it to front if already
Preview Page - Makes Frontier render the page and sends it to the
browser for previewing. This is the same as 'Preview
Page' in Frontier's Web menu (or 'View in Browser' in
Frontier 4.2.3). This should only be used for files
opened from Frontier. Other HTML files are sent to the
browser using 'Send File to Browser' in the HTML menu.
Publish Page - Makes Frontier render the page and publish it. This is
the same as 'Publish Page' in Frontier's Web menu. (This
function only works together with Frontier 5.)
Frontier Shell - Opens a shell window where you can run Frontier scripts,
see below.
Browse - Opens a Frontier browser at different points in the database.
Use Add… and Remove… to edit this menu.
Open - Opens a Frontier window in Frontier. Use Add… and Remove… to
edit this menu.
Scripts Menu - Rebuilds the Scripts menu and loads the script corresponding
to the menu items.
Preferences… - To set your preferences for Frontier. Currently you can
choose if you want to automatically launch Frontier when
you launch Alpha. This is not done by default.
Scripts menu
The Scripts menu is a menu which you define inside Frontier in the same way as
you define shared menus for other applications. (The Scripts menu has the
cowboy menu icon like the Frontier scripts in the Finder.) The menu definition
must be in user.Alpha.menubar. Alpha does not support menu sharing. Therefore
there are a few things which differ from how shared menu work. In particular:
• If you launch Frontier after Alpha the menu it not automatically inserted
in the menubar. You have to use Rebuild Scripts Menu to insert it.
• Whenever you modify the menu you have to use Rebuild Scripts Menu to
rebuild it. Note! This has also to be done when you modify a script belonging
to a menu item.
• Keybindings for the menu items must be defined the way Alpha defines
keybindings. Alpha uses certain meta characters to define menu items. See
the section Menus, User-Defined in the general manual.
Frontier database browser
The Frontier database browser lets you navigate through Frontier's
database without leaving Alpha. You can also open Frontier windows in
Alpha without leaving Alpha. In the browser windows, tables are red, text
windows are green, and everything else is blue. To navigate the windows
you can use key shortcuts similar to those used to navigate Finder windows.
uparrow - move up one line
downarrow - move down one line
rightarrow - rightarrow on a table displays the content of the table.
leftarrow - leftarrow on a table hides the content of the table.
cmd uparrow - opens the parent table in a new window.
cmd-opt uparrow - opens the parent table in a new window and closes the
current window.
cmd downarrow - cmd downarrow on a table opens a new window with the
content of that table.
cmd-opt downarrow - cmd-opt downarrow on a table opens a new window with
the content of that table and closes the current window.
return - opens the selected object for editing. Text objects are opened
in Alpha, and most other things are opened in Frontier.
Frontier shell
The Frontier shell is an alternative to the Frontier Quick Script window
for those who like a command history. Type a command and hit return to have it
executed in Frontier. The return value is then displayed on the next line.
You move up and down the command history using control-uparrow and
Control-u erases the current line.
WARNING! Don't send commands which will make Frontier open an alert window,
like e.g. dialog.notify. If this window is hidden behind your other
windows it will freeze your machine with command-option-escape as the only
way out.
Option-click in titlebar
Option-clicking in the titlebar of the Frontier shell window pops up a menu
with the command history. Selecting an item from this menu inserts the
text in the window. If the option key is held down while you select the
menu item the command is immediately evaluated, otherwise it is only
inserted so that you can edit it before evaluating it.
Version history
2.1.4, 25 April 1998
• Fixed a startup problem. Alpha wouldn't launch completely when being
launched by dropping a file on it while Frontier was running, or by using
Edit with App in Frontier.
2.1.3, 1 March 1998
• Compatibility fix for Alpha 7.1.
2.1.2, 7 February 1998
• Made 'View in Browser' compatible with Frontier 5, and renamed the menu
item to 'Preview Page', which it's called in Frontier 5.
• Added 'Publish Page'. This only works with Frontier 5.
• Improved error handling. In some cases Alpha would previously show
incorrect error messages.
• Option-click in title bar of Frontier shell window pops up a menu with
the command history.
• 'Save as…' now disconnects the window from the database, which is more
logical than the previous setup.
• Some small bug fixes.
2.1.1, 3 November 1997 [update of version 2.0.1]
• The same as version 2.1 but for Alpha 7.0.
2.1, 3 November 1997 [update of version 2.0]
• A startup and a shutdown script to be imported into Frontier have been
added. Together they solve a problem which sometimes prevented the windows to
be saved into Frontier's database. The shutdown script closes all open
Frontier windows in Alpha. Thanks to Mike Carney <mike_carney@mediaone.net>
for ideas and some code snippets.
• Various problems for windows with names containing brackets have been
2.0.1, 19 October 1997
• Updated to be compatible with Alpha 7.0.
2.0, 17 August 1997
• Added a Frontier shell.
• Added database browser and a Browse submenu.
• Added the Open submenu.
• Added Scripts menu, which is defined in Frontier as with other apps.
• 'Save as...' works now.
1.0, 20 July 1997
First public release.